is the lynchpin of the global economic system. as the global reserve currency it is used in pricing commodities, assets, debts and settling payments for imports and exports. because imports and exports are crucial for the proper functioning of countries, acquisition of the dollar becomes paramount.
on the continent, imports are necessary to procure critical goods like, food, gasoline, machinery and medicine. these imports are paid for in u.s. dollars acquired from the export of raw materials/ natural resources. low wage african labor is employed to extract these resources.
the prices of these raw materials are set by ‘market forces’ but inevitably the market always conspires to favor developed nations at the expense of the continent. these exported raw materials, extracted by cheapened labor, are purchased by capitalist corporations at bargain prices. the materials are used to create finished goods(remember the food, gasoline, machinery and medicine?) which are then sold back to the impoverished continent, often at steep prices.